14 July 2010

winter woderland...

woops just realized I have not yet posted the sunrise photos I took the other day... my bad...

Anyways - friday is a possible goer for frosty trips! Although it may be slightly cloudy so I may not get anything even then! O how I wish it would snow!

12 July 2010

winter wonderland no goer

I was up early this morning... fully expecting there to be an overcast day just like yesterday and that is what I got... we had some sun for all of 15 minutes! Thus - no frost... freezing cold but no frost! Hopefully it will snow! But something makes me doubt that! Any way - I did get a few fog/smoke sunrise pics! Which are still on the camera... in the line waiting to be dealt with... I will get to them and post them here sometime either today or tomorrow! I just have so many other things to do!

01 July 2010

Winter Wonderland

"Winter Wonderland" is tentatively booked for monday 12 July... Photos will be posted here... if there are any that are liked please let me know by leaving a message here or by emailing tigereyefp@gmail.com. Thank you!

Bike has not been used for a while!

I should really go and check the tires for the bike - make sure they are still pumped up!

I was thinking that one morning when I am not working to go out early on the bike and get some other frozen wonders! Maybe even see if the creek in town gets anywhere near close to freezing! I'd have to go early (around 6am) and leave Onjahlika at home! To sleep! In a  nice warm bed! Sounds like another good idea... should put these ideas in my diary so they are scheduled in and those days are technically booked (unless something more pressing comes up)...