15 March 2011

Minerama - outside trader!!

My first Minerama photo... I purchased this piece (tiger eye and pearl bracelet) from Dead Keen Fossickers. Quality gemstones and jewellery at affordable prices. You can contact Gary, Louise & Stephanie Milner at deadkeenfossick@optusnet.com.au I had a really great conversation with them!

14 March 2011

all i can do is wait.

I have done the photos for Minerama. Today I will be making the final selection and putting the Minerama copyright on them!

We've had some bad reports come in, and let me tell you, they will be dealt with.

It is upsetting to see people not happy when you've done all this work to make the weekend a great time! Minerama is my biggest client and, seeing people unhappy is not good!

But now all I can do is wait. I guess I will hear the outcome of the next meeting next month! And hopefully by then I will be able to post some photos!

11 March 2011


Well the first day of Minerama ended with rain!! Funny that! :)

We were at Tinga Sands today, and, to be honest I've never been to a working mine... It was an experience! I found some nice pieces. Others however, seemed a little disappointed. I could be wrong- I'm not a mind reader! What I don't understand is that, it wasn't made clear what can be found out there and that it is a fully functioning mine!! Well, these aee all things to think about for when the Minerama website gets a complete overhaul! (which it desperately needs!)

My photos are still on my camera! I'll get to them as soon as I've had some food- starving hungry!


Even though I will be taking photos of the Minerama event for the next three days... There will probably not be any photos here for at least a month... Why? Because the photos will be copyrighted to Minerama and for me to use them, I need written permission. And being a committee, things can take time!! :( So when I have permission, the photos will be posted here and on http://www.tigereyefp.com/  (events page).


Minerama starts today... Its not too late to come join the fun!

02 March 2011


I decided that due to no longer using my bike for quite a while, I would "recycle" this spot! It is now where I will be posting events.. Which is just in time really, because in a little over a week, I will be doing photos again for minerals... So if you're in Glen Innes 11-13 March, come and see if you can find me!! :) Its going to be a great time!!