14 July 2010

winter woderland...

woops just realized I have not yet posted the sunrise photos I took the other day... my bad...

Anyways - friday is a possible goer for frosty trips! Although it may be slightly cloudy so I may not get anything even then! O how I wish it would snow!

12 July 2010

winter wonderland no goer

I was up early this morning... fully expecting there to be an overcast day just like yesterday and that is what I got... we had some sun for all of 15 minutes! Thus - no frost... freezing cold but no frost! Hopefully it will snow! But something makes me doubt that! Any way - I did get a few fog/smoke sunrise pics! Which are still on the camera... in the line waiting to be dealt with... I will get to them and post them here sometime either today or tomorrow! I just have so many other things to do!

01 July 2010

Winter Wonderland

"Winter Wonderland" is tentatively booked for monday 12 July... Photos will be posted here... if there are any that are liked please let me know by leaving a message here or by emailing tigereyefp@gmail.com. Thank you!

Bike has not been used for a while!

I should really go and check the tires for the bike - make sure they are still pumped up!

I was thinking that one morning when I am not working to go out early on the bike and get some other frozen wonders! Maybe even see if the creek in town gets anywhere near close to freezing! I'd have to go early (around 6am) and leave Onjahlika at home! To sleep! In a  nice warm bed! Sounds like another good idea... should put these ideas in my diary so they are scheduled in and those days are technically booked (unless something more pressing comes up)...

25 May 2010

not happening for a while

recently we've been very busy with house renovations... and when we are not doing renovations the weather turns on rain... I am not complaining about rain - we need it! however, rain means I don't even consider going out on the bike!

the next time I go out on the bike might just be in spring/summer!!

06 May 2010

mirror for bike...

I finally have one of the mirrors attached to the bike... took a couple of photos...
All I have to do now is paint the back black! and find a white reflective thingy for it!
Because I'll be carrying Onjahlika on the back I want the bike to be as visible as possible!

I am very blessed to have a husband who is handy with the tools... he cut the ply wood
for me and drilled the holes for the wire!

Ultra High-Visibility Glue-On Reflective Tape

Search Amazon.com for bike mirrors

3M Reflective Stickers

3M Reflective Stickers , White

05 May 2010

bike mirror

I finally have it - a mirror for the bike! could really do with two... but one is a good start! Plan on getting it attached to the bike tomorrow if the weather is nice to me... otherwise I'm stuck indoors! Also need to try out the bike and see if the pedal requires any more maintainance!

But my dinner is now ready - going to eat!! (Indian recipe) Bye!

Search Amazon.com for indian recipe books

04 May 2010


So much for going out today and attaching my side mirrors to the bike!
It's raining! I was going to attach the mirrors and then go for another ride
for more photos! But the rain has dampened those ideas! We need the rain!
So I will sit here and enjoy the rain! And the bike will have to stay in the
shed for another day!

Search Amazon.com for rain coats
Search Amazon.com for bike

03 May 2010

small issue

Going to make some mirrors for the bike - to buy them is just too expensive
for one who has very little money!! So - dowel ply wood and some small
mirrors from the local hardware store and a little black paint should do the
trick... then the next problem is attaching them to the bike! Noting that a
little creative ingenuity cant solve! Yes - I will take photos of them!
Just so you can see my ridiculous creativity at work! :)

28 April 2010

something about trees

There is something about trees. Something, strong! Majestic even. I like trees. They speak to me of their Creator. He is strong and majestic.

God is there when the seed is created. He knows exactly where it is deposited to grow. He knows hoe big the tree will become, how many birds and insects will call it home! He knows if the local cat will get stuck up it and require a human or two to rescue it! God has all the things the tree needs sorted out. He knows everything about that tree. Including when and how it will die.

So if God knows about the trees life and has supplied everything the tree needs to live... why can I not trust God? Don't get me wrong - I do - in general!

God knows everthing about me. Yet I still question Him! Is it just that I am a human and not a tree? Thoughts to ponder!

Do I trust God for the builder to come and re-roof our roof before winter? Do I trust God to give me another child? Somehow I think the life of a tree is a little bit simpler!

took the bike out for a spin...

I've had the bike for a while... then I had this idea... put a waterproof basket on the front of it to hold the camera... basket works well. It holds the camera securely enough! It looks a little, well, home made - but it works!!
Then came loading the child in (couldn't go alone on such a momentus trip!) So we loaded Onjahlika into her child seat on the back of the bike! We set off for a small trip around the back yard (for a trial run)! Success sort of! I need new tubes for the tires!

We set off only to be delayed by a dog who decided that because the front gate was open she was going for a run! Bad Kahlua!

Finally we are away... down the road to be stopped again by some noise that is coming from behind me - why have I not evolved eyes in the back of my head?? Problem solved by slightly moving bike maintainance tool kit! Off we go... again!

Across the highway and heading out of town... yay!

First stop a tree! Yes I know - it's just a tree! But I like trees. There is something about them... strong majestic...

Then a second tree...

And then a third tree... and because this is only the first trip and the bike needs more modification... heading home... The left pedal is kind of clunky... not sure what's going on there!

After a little further decided to stop and walk the bike home... the left pedal feels a little too loose for my liking! Walked home!
Unloaded the child and camera... then set about to fix said pedal!

Finally - pedal fixed, small amount of gentle persuasion with a hammer was needed!! I need to get some side mirrors to see traffic behind me... Still trying to evolve eyes in the back of my head... obviously having children hasn't helped me evolve any quicker!!