28 April 2010

took the bike out for a spin...

I've had the bike for a while... then I had this idea... put a waterproof basket on the front of it to hold the camera... basket works well. It holds the camera securely enough! It looks a little, well, home made - but it works!!
Then came loading the child in (couldn't go alone on such a momentus trip!) So we loaded Onjahlika into her child seat on the back of the bike! We set off for a small trip around the back yard (for a trial run)! Success sort of! I need new tubes for the tires!

We set off only to be delayed by a dog who decided that because the front gate was open she was going for a run! Bad Kahlua!

Finally we are away... down the road to be stopped again by some noise that is coming from behind me - why have I not evolved eyes in the back of my head?? Problem solved by slightly moving bike maintainance tool kit! Off we go... again!

Across the highway and heading out of town... yay!

First stop a tree! Yes I know - it's just a tree! But I like trees. There is something about them... strong majestic...

Then a second tree...

And then a third tree... and because this is only the first trip and the bike needs more modification... heading home... The left pedal is kind of clunky... not sure what's going on there!

After a little further decided to stop and walk the bike home... the left pedal feels a little too loose for my liking! Walked home!
Unloaded the child and camera... then set about to fix said pedal!

Finally - pedal fixed, small amount of gentle persuasion with a hammer was needed!! I need to get some side mirrors to see traffic behind me... Still trying to evolve eyes in the back of my head... obviously having children hasn't helped me evolve any quicker!!

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