28 April 2010

something about trees

There is something about trees. Something, strong! Majestic even. I like trees. They speak to me of their Creator. He is strong and majestic.

God is there when the seed is created. He knows exactly where it is deposited to grow. He knows hoe big the tree will become, how many birds and insects will call it home! He knows if the local cat will get stuck up it and require a human or two to rescue it! God has all the things the tree needs sorted out. He knows everything about that tree. Including when and how it will die.

So if God knows about the trees life and has supplied everything the tree needs to live... why can I not trust God? Don't get me wrong - I do - in general!

God knows everthing about me. Yet I still question Him! Is it just that I am a human and not a tree? Thoughts to ponder!

Do I trust God for the builder to come and re-roof our roof before winter? Do I trust God to give me another child? Somehow I think the life of a tree is a little bit simpler!

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